As I had mentioned in my previous Blog never trust the shop owner...
The day we picked Willie up the shop owner assured us that Willie was as healthy as can be. I even mentioned that we had two cats at home, so I wanted to be sure that we could just go ahead and let Willie wander around for a little bit when we got home.....again the shop owner (Best in Pets, Elyria) said Willie was really healthy. The next day after Willie had fallen asleep for a nap I noticed something on his belly; which to my horror happened to be a flea. I then took Willie out into the kitchen to assess the situation, and found fleas (live ones) all over we immediately gave Willie a bath (He hated it), after his bath Kevin ran out to get some Frontline, and I began defleaing the house....ugh. After all the commotion Willie was really tuckered out, and layed down for a nap. After his nap he ate, and then went #2, and that was when I saw the worms in his poo. Big long worms in his poo. Fully grown round worms! It was obvious that he had never been dewormed. Thankfully his vet appt was set for Saturday.
Off to the vet we go...(Petmed Clinic, Lorain. A Nightmare!)
We found on the way to the Vet that Willie loves car rides!! He kept trying to get up and stick his head out the window...eventually he just layed down and took a nap!
The vet had Willie come in almost immediately, and he said that it was obvious Willie had roundworms...other than that he was healthy (3lbs), and sent us on our way with meds.
The Saturday after his vet visit Willie woke up, and wouldn't eat, would not even take a treat, and seemed very lathargic, and off balance. I decided to wait a couple of hours to see if his condition would change (he was peeing and pooing, so I wasn't too concerned), but a few hours later he still wouldn't take any food, or water, and he still seemed sluggish, so I called the vet and they said bring him on in. It turned out Willie had become dehydrated. Why you may ask? They didn't know (The Parvo test came out Negative...*sigh*), so they put him on fluids to re-hydrate him, and sent us on our way.
*I had mentioned to the Woman Vet that Willie still seemed to have live worms coming out in his stool, and he had started the Meds over a week ago, and she said "That's normal."
Willie's condition did seem to get better, but he still had the worms. Finally I said we really need to get him back in, and I was able to speak to the vet that we had saw the first time we went, and he said bring him in on Saturday. The Vet immediately apologized, and said "We never gave him the medicine for the Round Worms, we had only given you the meds for the Coccidia." (thanks for telling us about the Coccidia) No wonder why Willie had not been feeling well...he had a belly full of worms for at least 3 weeks! So the Vet admitted that he had made a mistake, and gave us a credit for the amount that we had spent on re-hydrating our little pup. Thankfully we have finally blown through the credit at the Clinic, and will now be taking Willie to the same Vet that we take the Kitties too!
Since then Willie has fully recovered, and at his last vet visit he weighed in at a whopping 10.2lbs :)
In our case not only did the shop owner make a mistake, but the Vet also made a mistake, and thankfully Willie came out unscathed, but he did have a few miserable weeks with worm belly. Today Willie is healthy and full of spunk. Hopefully our new vet will turn out to be more thorough when conducting her exams with Willie.
I guess the lesson we learned was ask the Vet if there is anything of concern...not once, but twice, and be firm about it!
Note: Please don't think that every pup you get from a Pet Shop will be ill, but there is a good chance that they will have some sort of ailment. Pet Shop puppies need homes too. Just remember before you go in and adopt that Pet Shop puppy in the window you may come across some minor, or even major illnesses. Thankfully Willie had a warranty with him, and the ShopOwner did cover the costs for the de-worming.
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